Leo mwanadada wema sepetu anaherehekea siku yake ya kuzaliwa kwa kutimiza miaka 25 toka alipoletwa hapa duniani na wazazi wake mzee Abraham Sepetu na mama Wema..
Mwanadada huyu ambaye kwa sasa yupo hong kong – China amemiminiwa salamu mbalimbali na mastaa wenzake pamoja na fans wake kupitia kurasa mbalimbali za mitandao ya kijamii...
Kajala amemwandikia wema:
"To the most beautiful, selfless, giving, and considerate person that I know.Am so luck to av as special friend in my heart&thats why your my ride and die Bff, you represent a very special friendship.
"One which ought to be preserved and cherished forever. I probably dont tel you enough how much I lov you, but I treasure our friendship soo much my bby& I will always b hear for you as u have always be there for me sweety pie.
"My heart and very being will always hold a very special place for you. And even though I am not there physically to celebrate this special day with you, rest assured that you are in my thoughts.
"Kuwa na hakika siku yako hii inasheherekewa na wengi kwasababu wewe ni mwema na ni mama kwa wengi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY My Darling BEST FRIEND...lots of kisses & cuddle lv u so much"
Zamaradi Mketema naye ameandika:
"Kuna mtu muhimu sana KWANGU amezaliwa siku ya leo.. I dont know where to start kiukweli.... i just dont know!!!
"Before anything i wanna thank you for giving me a family, beautiful people wenye mioyo ya kipekee @nsepetu @tsepetu @ssepetu i wish mama was on insta so that i tag her as well... watu ambao wamekuwepo pale kwa ajili yangu muda wote.. but kikubwa kuliko vyote you are an angel to me!!!
"Kwangu wewe ni RAFIKI ambae amevuka hata maana ya neno lenyewe... umegusa maisha yangu katika namna ya kipekee mno.. and i have so many reasons to say that.. When i recall about msiba wa mamaangu.. i cant avoid your face WEMA".
Toka jijini Hong Kong, Wema Sepetu amepost video akiwa na mwanadada aunty ekeziel wakisherehekea siku yake ya kuzaliwa leo..
Unaweza kuitazama video hiyo hapo chini